Thursday, December 2, 2010

Connect2Christmas Shopping Competition!

Shop at Twist-id Products this Christmas and you could WIN over $1700.00 in prizes!

Twist-id Products in conjunction with Connect2mums is pleased to announce our Connect2Christmas shopping competition! We have over $1700 worth of gorgeous prizes that you can win simply by doing your Christmas shopping online at Connect2mums.
It's easy to enter, simply:
1. Shop at the ‘Mumpreneurs Shopping Directory'
2. Be a member of ‘Connect2Mums’ or become a member here

 3. Leave a comment about your purchase at Connect2mums in the connect2Christmas group under one of the following Prize Categories:




Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Trying Everything to Build the Business

I have read a lot of books, participated in social networking websites, and have initiated several mechanisms to build my brand as they call it. So what has worked? Well here is a rundown of what I think so far. I have graded them 1-10, with 10 being the most beneficial for helping build this brand. The number is strictly my opinion based on my web site analytics and sales.

twitter account  (1)
facebook company page  (5)
Connect2mums - social networking site (6)
several directory listing (Sunrise, Hotfrog, AussieWeb, StartLocal, TrueLocal) (1)
affliate marketing,  (1)
kids esheet, (still in the review stage)
press room, (2)
wildfire sweepstakes, (2)
wildfire coupons(0)
this blog (1)
product reviews - American HousewifePersonalized Gift World (3)
local markets/shows (7)
Google Adwords (3)
Facebook Ads (1)

Now I'm researching search engine optimization and have found this cool tool called website grader.  I have already upgraded my web site grade from 21/100 to 32/100.  And still have alot more recommendations to implement.

Whats next in line?   MyColourCup Daycare System, Chinwag, Thane International, expo/tradeshow???

MyColourCup - the personalized plastic cup

Friday, October 22, 2010

MyColourCup Goes to DayCare

Twist-id Products and the Gap Community Day Care in Alice Springs are forging together to innovate the daily task of providing drinks to the kids in long day care while maintaining the "no sharing" rule, reducing the workload on the centres providers, and providing an eco-friendly alternative to disposable cups. 

It's an exciting time to be able to help out a centre that my youngest attended.  I still remember him digging through a pile of cups looking for THE one with his name on it.  It give me a lot of pleasure to be able to help.

We will be trialing the MyColourCup Drink System next week.

Before pictures;

Check out the cup people are talking about at;

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Do Over - New Look

Do Over - to go back to the beginning.

I'm just a mom new to this whole inventor world and would like to claim a "Do Over".  Basically going back to the beginnings.  First with a new look and catchphrase, "Twist Me - Claim Me". 

This new look captures both the physical and emotional aspects of my product, which was inspired by customer inquiries and by the real reason I started on this venture.  I will never forget the customer who contacted me after receiving her set and asking why I had sent her all blue cups with the same name on all of them.  Or the "Ahhhh" I get when attending the local markets and I turn the cups black band.  I also love kids comments; "Oh I didn't know it could do that"

So please stay with me and grant me a "Do Over".

IT'S NOT JUST A CUP - IT'S A CUP YOU CAN CLAIM (I mean a cup 6 people can claim)
Yes, the Black Band Twists!

Look out for more "Do Over" progress ... kids programs, free cup a day, etc.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

MyColourCup is a FINALIST

The MyColourCup made it as a finalist in the 2010 AusMumpreneur Awards for the innovative product category!

2010 AusMumpreneur Awards Finalist

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

AusMumpreneur Awards Nominee

Twist-id Products has been nominated for the AusMumpreneur Awards for the MyColourCup in the Product Innovation category. THANK YOU!!!

The product that takes the quesswork out of knowing who's cup is who's

Friday, April 9, 2010

Twist-id Products - the start

I didn't set out to start a company.  I set out to fix my family.  Okay maybe that's a bit harsh, I set out to train my family on how to reuse the cups they already were using.  I was sick of seeing cups scattered throughout the house, on the coffee table, on the kitchen counter.  And sick of  no one owning up to any of them.  And sick of seeing heaps of cups in the sink.  And the one thing I hated the most was the call before dinner and the one request I had of my 6 member tribe was to bring their own cup to the table.  They would all file in    and go for a brand new cup in the cupboard.  Oh yeah, that's all we needed is more dishes to clean.

Instead of getting mad all the time I devised several plans to change this behaviour.  Drying racks and names on placemats but what I really needed was a changeable cup with all the family members names, a personalized changeable cup. 

Surely there was a plastic cup that could be personalized on the market that I could use in our home to distinguish one cup from another?  It had to have easily changealbe names, be fun to use and dishwasher safe.  I knew what I wanted but no one made it, so I got the idea that I could make it myself.  I told myself it would be fun and I needed a change in my life.  What I didn't realize was that I have a lot of growing to do.

Check out the cup I finally made;

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Everyday Life

It all comes down to the everyday things in life that mean the most. I guess thats why I embarked on this journey of producing the MyColourCup product so that I could have more time for those important things, my family. At this stage of the product life cycle I’m just waiting for the manufacturer to produce these personalized plastic cups. So I have had plenty of time to think about why this venture is so ingrained in my head and why I’m so actively pursuing this change of life.

I have a great job that I have been doing for the past 17 years that pays well, my eldest is attending university, my youngest is going to make my hair turn grey and my husband not so sure about this idea, yet he is starting to come around. The first thing that came to me is that I need a change, I’m in a rut, and I definitely can’t have any more kids. But my first motive is that I want this product for our family and I want to prove to myself that I can do something different, new, and challenging. I want to show my kids that you can do anything that you put your mind to. I have tried to involve them in all the steps that I have gone through depending on which kid is interested. They mostly think I’m crazy or going through some mid life crisis. I guess I can say this since I just turned 47 this month. I just saw the movie “Up”. It was a bit depressing at the beginning. But the theme came through loud and clear. The everyday things in life are what you will cherish most, so don't let them pass you by. And my life is all about my kids, which I try to put myself in their shoes every day.

My 10 year old Zach has been my biggest fan of this idea, he is my little entrepreneur. Anything to make money he is in. When I first started working on the design and name of the cup he was ready with flyer in hand to spread the word throughout the neighborhood. It wasn’t going fast enough for him. But it has sparked some interest in him to do something for himself. He now has his own eBay account with my help and is trying to sell some of his unwanted toys.

I have been working on a video to be uploaded to YouTube to demonstrate the MyColourCup product. I wanted it to be entertaining so I have involved the two youngest boys as actors. My oldest son has benefited from my interest in video production. He is an avid skateboarder and is constantly videotaping him and his friends then uploading to YouTube. So we have been working side by side with our dueling kitchen computers giving each other support.

I really don’t have an eye for design/colour so I have gotten some pointers from my daughter who is currently in university studying graphic design. I have tried not to burden her too much with my constant consulting. She has given me some basic help with colours and format. I think she thinks I’m crazy but I hope she knows I’m having fun.

Talking about fun that’s all my seven year old knows. He is constantly reminding me by his actions and words that life is fun. Like the other day when we are in a hurry to get to footy on time he is busy eating his cereal with a plastic newspaper bag on his hand. So each and every one of them I hope will look up to me and know that they too can succeed and have fun in life by just trying or as the Aussies say “just give it a go”.

The product that takes the quesswork out of knowing who's cup is who's

Starting on a New Path

That’s not my cup!”, “That’s not my cup!”, is a nightly echo throughout our house usually before dinnertime. Cups scattered on coffee tables, kitchen counters, and computer desks but not one would be claimed for use at dinner. All the kids would scramble to get a new cup out of the cupboard. I guess the fear of accidentally getting their 6 year old brothers backwashed germs cup was too high a risk. My goal was to change this nightly ritual chant to “That’s my cup!”, . No more fighting over the abandoned cups scattered throughout the house. No more “Which one is my cup?” And this is how my journey of discovering a new product and in turn allowing my buried self to come to the surface and discover a inner voice that I did not know I had.

My first attempts at changing this behavior involved little schemes like “cup landing zones” and “cup drying racks”. This would work part of the time but did not resolve the abandoned cups throughout the house. So then I went in search of a product on the internet. A cup that could easily be changed to identify the user of the cup, but nothing was out there. So I started to think about all the things that I would like this factious cup to have; easily changeable names and it definitely had to be dishwasher safe. No way was I going to wash cups by hand. So I started to design this cup in my head. Then I designed it using a free 3D CAD product I got off the internet called CoCreate Modeling PE. My current job involves CAD design so I just had to learn the 3D part, which was fun, hard but fun. Not sure where I was taking this, I started researching plastic manufacturing and custom label companies. All this was new and a bit daunting but I just plodded through trying to learn this industry and not feel stupid asking questions. I sent several emails/phone calls to Australian plastic manufactures and had a hard time trying to get anyone to respond and/or follow up. Then I expanded my search to include China and Star Prototype responded immediately, which I have been dealing so far.

One of my biggest obstacles was my pessimistic husband compounded with my low self esteem. I kept hearing his words “just write names on those plastic red cups”. So I started reading books on motivation and how to influence other people. The book that helped me the most was “100 Ways to Motivate Yourself; Change Your like Forever” by Steve Chandler. It really got me motivated to the fact that I could do this. I also started reading books on innovations, marketing and business. There is so much to learn, but I compelled to gaining more knowledge. Knowledge that is going to help me pursue this passion to resolve this family problem. I then conducted a survey on Facebook to prove to my husband and myself that there were other people out there who thought this idea was great. I received so much positive feedback that I knew I had to keep moving forward. I go back to that list of over 70 people who responded in a 4 day window with such positive comments, it keeps me on track. It has been almost a year since I started thinking about this product and now I have a business plan, completed innovation patent, registered a trademark, website, and produced a prototype. The test cup has been knocking around our house and my kids are fight over it when it comes out of the dishwasher.

I now have manufacture these personalized cups, which is called the MyColourCup, and I'm selling them online at

The product that takes the quesswork out of knowing who's cup is who's