Friday, April 9, 2010

Twist-id Products - the start

I didn't set out to start a company.  I set out to fix my family.  Okay maybe that's a bit harsh, I set out to train my family on how to reuse the cups they already were using.  I was sick of seeing cups scattered throughout the house, on the coffee table, on the kitchen counter.  And sick of  no one owning up to any of them.  And sick of seeing heaps of cups in the sink.  And the one thing I hated the most was the call before dinner and the one request I had of my 6 member tribe was to bring their own cup to the table.  They would all file in    and go for a brand new cup in the cupboard.  Oh yeah, that's all we needed is more dishes to clean.

Instead of getting mad all the time I devised several plans to change this behaviour.  Drying racks and names on placemats but what I really needed was a changeable cup with all the family members names, a personalized changeable cup. 

Surely there was a plastic cup that could be personalized on the market that I could use in our home to distinguish one cup from another?  It had to have easily changealbe names, be fun to use and dishwasher safe.  I knew what I wanted but no one made it, so I got the idea that I could make it myself.  I told myself it would be fun and I needed a change in my life.  What I didn't realize was that I have a lot of growing to do.

Check out the cup I finally made;

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